Is the Luster of Fulltime Remote Working Starting to Dim for Office Employees?

Although the many perks created by the flexibility of working remotely from home over a daily commute to the office are apparent, studies are showing that the same flexibility has drawbacks. Despite allowing for more family time with some people being more productive outside the typical 9-to-5 work structure, in the absence of the typical office structure of a “quitting time,” train to catch, or an emptying office to signal the end of the workday, some valuable benefits of separating work life from home life have been lost. According to the findings of a Gallup survey taken between April and September 2020, on a year-over-year comparison, fully remote workers are now experiencing more burnout than on-site workers. In contrast, employees working remotely part of the time faired better during the same period, indicating the need to establish a balance between remote and on-site work and reaffirming that the value of the office still exists.
