Multi-Building Innovation QNS Project Gets City Council Green Light

On Tuesday, November 21, 2022 the New York City Council approved the multi-building, mixed-use Innovation QNS development. The project being developed by Kaufman Astoria Studio, Silverstein Properties, and BedRock Real Estate will add 3,200 residential units to Astoria, of which approximately 1,400-units will be priced below market-rate with more than 800-units designated for “households and individuals classified under very-low and extremely low-income thresholds.” Approvals by the city council will result in changes on use-types and buildable square feet, but based upon the original plans, in addition to the residential space the complex located in the Kaufman Arts District includes “more than 400,000 square feet of commercial space, specifically a new movie theater, retail, multiple restaurants, and office space reserved for small business owners, start-ups, and non-profits. The plans also included doctor’s offices and medical clinics.”
