“Future of Fifth” Plans Advance Fueled by Success of 2022 Holiday Open Street Boosting Local Businesses

For the first time in a half-century popular pedestrian-focused areas around Rockefeller Center returned, opening 11 city blocks to pedestrians during December of 2022. Touted as New York City’s “largest-ever holiday season-specific Open Street,” the “dramatic expansion of public space in one of the busiest neighborhoods” during the holiday season boosted sales revenue for local businesses along the pedestrianized streets. According to the study conducted by Mastercard, in partnership with the New York City Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) and Chief Public Realm Office YA-Ting Liu, there was an estimated $3 million in additional spending. The success of the initiative has prompted the establishment by Mayor Adams of the “Future of Fifth” public-private partnership between New York City and four key business improvement districts and civic organizations — Fifth Avenue Association, Grand Central Partnership, Bryant Park Corporation, and Central Park Conservancy. The goal of the newly created partnership is to reimagine 5th Avenue as “a safer, less congested, pedestrian-centered boulevard that also prioritizes public space, mass transit, and cyclists.”

Source:    https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/757-23/mayor-adams-holiday-season-open-streets-boosted-local-businesses-millions-dollars