More Companies Pushing for Return-to-Office Policy

The pendulum has begun to swing the other way as looming recession fears and increasing layoffs begin to spark a wavering confidence among workers that previously made their distaste for the office very clear, leaving companies struggling to retain talent. Recently more companies have begun to backtrack on earlier flexible remote work policies, shifting from previous plans to adopt a permanent virtual or hybrid model. While the possibility exists of another wave of the “great resignation” being triggered as more return-to-work (RTO) requirements are put in place, it will depend on the choices jobseekers will have in the coming months as remote job opportunities dwindle. Another issue that may be further pushing RTO policies is tax incentives. Although officials are still deciding whether to enforce them, many tax incentives hinge on employees coming to the office at least some of the time, or at least live in the region. “For companies receiving these incentives, relaxing in-office attendance could be costly.”

